Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day

"Motherhood lies at the foundation of happiness in the home, and in the prosperity of the nation. God has laid upon men and women very sacred obligations with respect to motherhood".
-Joseph F Smith
'It has been said that a mother is the first nd most important teacher in a child's life. No one can adequately take her place. She willingly walks into the valley of the shadow of death as she gives life, and then walks alongside her children, sustaining them until they venture on their own. Even then, her heart follows close behind and skips a beat every time she hears their footsteps. Mothers are the heart of the home: they nurture and love; they create homes of harmony and warmth; they cultivate strengths and see potential. Motherhood is not merely a checklist of attributes. It's a description of a person who loves another more than life itself; a person who freely, lovingly gives her all for the happiness of another. No two mothers are just alike. And not a single one is expected to be perfect - or close to it. Mothers with eternal perspective know they do their best simply by doing a little better every day. ' -Lloyd D. Newell
Just thought I'd share this with all you mothers.
Grandpa read this today in our companionship reading. I then took the liberty to ask him if he was pleased to have ME as the mother of his children. He answered with an emphatic 'yes'.
Just thought you'd like to know.


C.J. Schneider said...

I love your mother's day thoughts. So easy to feel inadequate at the job and always good to be reminded of the grandness of the calling.

Katey said...

I'd say we'd all emphatically agree with Grandpa, whether it's as a mother or grandmother Gran. We love you.

Grandpa - Grandma Livingstone said...

Sure enjoyed having David in my class here at BYU. What a great posterity. Love you folks! (Say hi to all your family that remembers us.)

John Livingstone