Sunday, August 9, 2009

Interesting week

Nice to have such nice visitors at our home. We enjoyed visiting with David & hearing about his holiday in England/Scotland. Lucky RM. We were fortunate to have him trim up our flower beds under the trees. Makes such a difference. Thanks DavĂ­d,we really appreciate your work. 
It is humbling to have a grandson who dwarfs us. Peter looks like my dad - Gido to you - he was a great worker & operated a big farm & the farmstead was very attractive. So you have a good role model, Peter. 
Our flowers on the deck are exquisite & the tomatoes are prolific. I like going out on the deck & picking a cherry tomato, popping it in my mouth - very tasty, right off the vine. 
We enjoyed visiting at the Fixsens - watching Jeff, Jim, Peter build a playhouse for the the lucky greatgrandchildren. And Jaima sure knows how to prepare a superb meal. Thanks.
Hope the summer is treating you all well & that you are preparing for.
s-c-h-o-o-l.....let us know how it goes for you.


Jaima said...

It was so fun to see you, and I'm glad you liked the fish tacos!

Katey said...

Who needs candy when there is fresh garden tomatoes to be had? When are you and Grandpa coming to visit us here in Slave Lake?