Sunday, March 15, 2009

great family news

Well, I just had to send these photos to let you know what has been happening in Edmonton.
The phone call from Hu kept us waiting & how good to hear from him early Friday am that he has a grandson!! that makes him a GRANDPA! So now we are greatgrandparents again. I guess we will be called more and more by the names "Gigi & Bapa" That way the small fry will know who they are talking to. Eliot Arthur has a family name - Eliot is the second name of his father, grandfather and great-great-great grandfather. Congratulations.
The two pix are of (1) Bapa - he is chewing on his Bernard Caulibeau .chocolate cigar, courtesy of Hu.IIn his cap & new glasses he resembles George Burns who used to have a radio comedy show with his wife Gracie Allen. Some of you may remember him.
(2) The next pix is of Hugo whose team won the city championship in basketball. I remember John Schneider also had this honor when he was Hugo's age. We watched the game & were very proud of Hugo - he had some really good moves & made several baskets and was a good sportsman.
Hope you enjoy them this communique.


Katey said...

Greetings from Slave Lake! I like the blog. Know what would make it better? Pictures of the Thompsons (hee, hee). Love you both.

2x2momma said...

I can't believe how many great-grandsons you guys have! They are so beautiful. We are still waiting on Baby Schneider (although I have a hunch the streak will be broken!!!)