Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gigi & Bapa

There are no ifs, buts, or maybes - My communique is long overdue. I apologize, we've been away to Los Angeles first part of February. On returning home Grandpa got the flu. A few days later I got it too. What a wicked experience. We are finally back on track
We've had episodes of snow, and I mean s-n-o-w!! Grandpa has been kept very busy. The weather would get warmer so that we were able to go walking along the trails near our abode. Then out of nowhere we would get an erratic wind & more snow. We are so grateful to have such a nice, cosy place to live in. Makes a big difference - I can go downstairs to my 'sewing room' and work on my quilting projects or go to my kitchen & concoct some savory dish, or upstairs to my study to read or work on the computer. Grandpa has enjoyed watching TV -curling, hockey, basketball, politics; reading in his comfy chair in the living room - He is quite a fan of Louis Lamour. He has many books on other topics that keep him interested; plus his very own computer. So we have weathered the winter with forays to Hawaii & LA . We so enjoyed being with the Puentes & Lindsay. The two sets of twins are a handful but so adorable. Now we are back to the old grind and it is good to have a routine.
We hosted the High Priests' social in our home - about 30 attended & there was plenty of room. We will be teaching the lessons for our FHE group the next alternate Mondays as we will leave for Vancouver Island the end of March.
The blessing of Edward James Fixsen was a highlight for us March 1. He is such a wonderful baby. We all got a chance to hold him & he did not seem to mind whose arms he was in.
A bit of an aside: I read an article in the Edmonton Journal recently. The reporter was to write her impressions of the youth in a Hutterite colony north-west of Calgary. She remarked that our youth is pamperedf We should teach them to help more with chores about the house not only drive them hither & thither for lessons, practices etc. She noticed how happy the Hutterite youth were happy helping as well as having quality time with their parents. She concluded her remarks stating she had made a good friend of the Hutterite mother but could not compete with her 'saskatoon pies or her stellar sewing skills!' I laughed because I know I excel in both of these skills & remarked I would make a good Hutterite. Grandpa reminded me the reporter also said you could not join their colony, you had to be born in it. Guess I better try harder to be a good Mormon.
'Nuff said. We will keep you posted =re plans for the FAMILY REUNION. We have given out some assignments for our BIG FOUR.
We would not mind your input for some of the things you would like us to include. First long weekend in July. See you. G & G

1 comment:

J & K Redd said...

I think a golf afternoon or morning would be great. Karyn just suggested a hike in the ravine behind your place-perhaps to Hu and Diane's? Everyone could do it and it would pay tribute to the many Young family hikes in Banff.