Sunday, September 7, 2008

174 Oeming Road

Hello All -
It has been some time since I last posted. Too busy with canning, freezing, jam/jelly making. Grandpa is the best berry picker.He has picked saskatoons, chokecherries, cranberries as well as picked rhubarb& crabapples (at the neighbors) I have now quite a cupboard full of preserves & chutneys, relishes, & jams/jellies plus of course his favorite fruit -apricots.
I flew to Seattle to visit Coleen,Rachel, & the twins. Had a lot of fun with them. When Coleen took us to the Childrenès Museum I fell & was out of commission for a spell. In fact, I still ache. Octagenarians seem to lose their balance easily & I realize I have to be more careful. I did watch the twins for an hour or two in the day when Coleen had to run errands. I read to the twins, watched them while they were in the bathtub, watched Mr Einstein with them (very neat DVD) much better than The Incredibles. I enjoyed watching them play in the fenced-in play area that Grandpa Oliver designed to keep them from running hither & thither.
We have concentrated on our callings with the Single Adults & YSA & have had them to our home for a meal - it is easier to handle i or 2 or 3- takes a bit of energy but makes us feel that we are meeting their needs & getting to know them better.
We had Hugo over one morning & I taught him some cooking techniques - like frying eggs (easy over), making toast & hot chocolate. He learns quickly. grandpa lead the reading from the New Era & we had a very good discussion - he is a very good reader & can contribute to a discussion. We also had ivy & Blake for several hours one day. We did a variety of things - even watched the video - The Secret Garden. It is amazing how they understood the plot & the names of the characters.
kate & the boys came over & we picked crabapples from our neighbor's garden. Ben was right in there picking & enjoying it. I have returned to work at the Temple but have come home exhausted- I may need a later-in-the-day shift. Getting up at 5 am may be too taxing for me.
We attended a neat Ward party with Hu & Hugo last week. Different people had they special culinary displays for tasting - Hudson's hooch, spinach dip, Sam's jam, jamaica salsa, cinnamon pull-aparts, carmeled apples, peanut butter sesame bars, raisin bread, empenadas, cedarplanked salmon, chili. delicious food. Everyone brought a caesar salad . The ward provided the corn on the cob. They had a Musical Chairs game- quite a few chairs. Hugo won the prize. A most enjoyable social evening.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Gigi - reading your post made me hungry! So many fresh berries and cooking lessons and ward party goodies.... But that fits right into the Gran scheme of things. Rachel is looking forward to seeing you at Christmas and learning how to make perogies!
I'm making your zucchini relish tomorrow.
Thanks for all the food memories!
Hugs - Coleen