Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hello to all-

We have had an unusual October - but have survived the setbacks. I had a new pacemaker implant - makes a difference, but I can't drive for 6 weeks - so Grandpa is happy to oblige - thank goodness. I also have had a back problem - could hardly get out of bed. I am now taking some physio therapy and have exercises to do which helped ease the pain somewhat, but complete recovery takes time. Hu administered to me and I realize I have abused my back - too much quilting. I will have to monitor this activity. 
We both got our flu vaccine and H1N1 shots. We were lucky to get them without too much difficulty. There have been such line-ups, it is unbelievable.  We are con stantly reminded about the pandemic - but so far I think it is under control.We so enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner with the Edmonton Youngs and the Schneiders plus another guest. I asked Coleen to help with the turkey - she had it ready for the oven on no time flat. She and OJ did all the veggies, too. I made pumpkin pies ahead of time as well as my famous molded autumn salad. We ate, visited and Diane even tidied up so I was grateful for all the help. 
I have spent my recuperation reading a book that Grandpa bought at the Church Bookstore -UNDAUNTED by Gerald Lund. 800 pages. Very interesting.  There were 2 interesting comments in the story which I found inspiring. Here is one - made by a Danish convert, hence the accent):"Even ven der is no way to go troo, you must go troo" He used it in different settings. One can use his sage advice in one's own life. It is truly profound.
We hosted 'Sundaes on Sunday' in our home last weekend. It
 was a ward activity after Stake Conference.  The host couple (that's us) provide the ice cream. The assigned guests are to bring the toppings. We had a wonderful time getting 'to know each other'. That was the reason for the activity.
Love to all


Katey said...

Glad that you're on the mend Grannie! Next time we're rushing through town we need to come and see you two, we badly need a G & G fix.

Coleen said...

We loved Thanksgiving dinner at your place Grannie. Thanks for always being the perfect host.