Sunday, November 23, 2008

174 Oeming Road - November, 2008

Quite an unusual November for Edmonton weatherwise. Heavy winds just about blew us over. No snow. Some sunny days.
We have kept busy. Grandpa has driven me here, there, everywhere as I've had to take better care of my leg!! However I have now returned to do my stint at the temple - I have the pm shift. Grandpa comes the last session to do either endowment, initiatory, or assist at the baptism so he can have the car & then we drive home together. That is our Friday 'date'.
We are going to spend Christmas in Calgary so it will be quite an experience after 3 years. Since coming to Edmonton we have had Christmas with the Edmonton Youngs, the Prince George Youngs - this year it will be with the Redds
I have resumed quilting & have really enjoyed this. Made some Christmas gifts, also a quilt
We've had the missionaries for dinner - real neat fellows - very spiritual & knowledgeable.
Grandpa had quite a cold - sure hung on a long time.
We attended the High Priests' Social lately - a potluck & a 'Who Am I ' game Everyone wrote some humorous or unusual event that took place in their lives. Quite a hilarious evening. I brought my famous 'glazed chicken wings' which were wolfed down.Great camaraderie.
It has been fun shopping for gifts for the greatgrandchildren.
Happy American Thanksgiving.
Love to all

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